Friday, August 14, 2009

Playing with Daddy

Mia wants to run before she completely figures out walking! Now if Daddy would just put her down...

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Mia's First Steps

Mia has been taking a few steps here and there but only when she's distracted. Now she is walking on purpose! Here is a quick video of her walking between Kris and I. Ignore her hair, she pulled her piggy tails out so its wild!!!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Bath time fun

Here's a cute video of Mia playing in the tub.

Mia's Discovery

Playing in the water closet is so much fun!!

I don't know why Mommy doesn't like me in there.

Pomegranite Tree

Momma's new pomegranite tree already has two pomegranites on it!

It doesn't look like they will get big enough to eat this year.

Maybe next year :)

Playing with Uncle Kevin

Mia got to meet her uncle Kevin for the first time on her trip to Iowa. They had sooo much fun playing together.

They're tight.

Grandma and Grandpa's 30th

Grandma and Grandpa Olson had their 30th wedding anniversary when we took our trip to Iowa. You don't see that too often these days.

What a sweet couple.

So many people came out to show love.